Wednesday, June 30, 2010

L'ombre et la lumière/ the shadow and the light

tiré du dernier livre de l'auteur et conteur français Henri GOUGAUD
le livre des chemins:

"Ne te mets pas dans la lumière.
Si tu te mets dans la lumière, le temps te prend, et tu deviens son esclave.
Glisse-toi dans les ombres.
Dans les ombres le temps ne peut pas te prendre car tu es forcé de rester éveillé.
Dans les ombres, la lumière c'est toi."

From the new book written by the french storyteller Henri GOUGAUD
 le livre des  chemins:

"Don't place yourself in the light.
If you place yourself in the light, time captures you and you become his slave.
Slide into the shadows.
In the shadows, time cannot capture you because you are forced to stay awake.
In the shadows, the light is you."
(translation attempt!)


  1. Hi, it's always a pleasure when you come up with a new post! I really love the book cover pattern!

  2. thanks so much for your kind message. I DO LOVE MOSAÏC. I remember the feeling of wonder being in Ravenna 25 years ago! Now, I have a box full of mosaïcs waiting for some inspiration...A tree of life perhaps?

  3. What kind of box?Can I be of help?...Thanks for your comment,I appreciate it but I am not sure I am doing a great job..just blogging about what I love.x

  4. YES exploring with passion and sharing what you love is a great job!
    The box is a plastic box full of mosaïc tiles I ordered last year on the web.
    If I need some tips, I will contact you...

  5. Super votre site.. et bien interessant quand on adore les amulettes.

    Merci de vos partages.



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