Saturday, January 15, 2011

TAFA Textiles and Fiber Arts

TAFA , Textiles and fiber Arts, is an online membership organisation whose goal is to help its members expand their creative business with social media (facebook, twitter...)  and networking.

TAFA, Textiles and Fiber Arts est une communauté en ligne dont le but est d'aider ses membres à accroître le business de leur activité créatrice au moyen du web et des media sociaux tels que facebook, twitter etc...Leur blog (en anglais) offre soutien et ressources pour des artistes textiles. 

Their blog is a great way to discover a lot of ressources and support for fiber Artists to help improve and marketing their creative work .
You can access an interesting Textile and Fiber Art list introduction by its founder Rachel Biel

I'm thrilled to have joined this inspiring community in the beginning of the year.
C'est avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme que j'ai rejoint cette communauté inspirante au début de l'année.

I will have the opportunity on this blog to present some fiber artists I particularly like...To be continued...
J'aurais l'opportunity de vous présenter sur ce blog quelques un de ces artistes que j'aime particulièrement. A suivre...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this nice post on TAFA, Sylvie! We do have such a wonderful group and it's so nice to have you! I love your enthusiasm and know that you bring a lot of good things to both the larger group and to our Etsy Team! I look forward to getting to know you better as we move forward in 2011!



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