Wednesday, October 5, 2011

AMSTERDAM: Rembrandt 's house

I have spent a wonderful week in Amsterdam : A magic city full of art treasuries, history, nature and youth vitality ! 
Here is my favorite spot : The house of Rembrandt...Enjoy!

The Master's studio

Fireplace (detail)

Fireplace (detail)

Death aside Beauty

The printing studio

The curiosities cabinet

Ceramics corner

This would be great for a painting!

 I love this composition!

The dining room fireplace (detail)
The kitchen

The entrance door

Personal photos: please, contact me if you want to use them...
For the readers who like these pictures you can have more informations and a virtual tour: http://www.rembrandthuis

And to end this post, my favourite quote from Rembrandt (Wikiquote):

"Try to put well in practice what you already know; and in so doing, you will in good time, discover the hidden things which you now inquire about. Practice what you know, and it will help to make clear what now you do not know."


  1. Oh, how wonderful to discover your blog! I am a writer primarily, so my blog will not be of particular interest I think. I have also started to paint, have always appreciated artisans as well as "fine artists." Rembrandt's house feels enchanted to me. Your blog will be a source of delight to me. Merci. Je visiterais (?) votre blog avec plaisir. As you can see, my French is extremely rusty!

  2. Hi Sylvie. The house of Rembrandt looks fantastic. I will have to go there and check it out. Also, there is a photo of a white Greek looking bust (head and shoulders statue) on a book shelf. Is this Athena?

  3. Thank you...thank you!!! What else can I say your blog brought me to Amsterdam... wonderful pictures I love it..


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